Micro sized website hosting, perfect for the small start up site.
Everything you need for a small sized business including web hosting and emails
Medium size business hosting including web hosting and emails
For larger websites or ecommerce sites, more space, more storage
Heavy duty hosting with 5GB space and unlimited emails, databases
Managed WordPress Updates
Daily Secure Offsite Backups
Weekly Security Scan
Performance Monitoring
Keyword Monitoring
Database cleaning and maintenance
Woocommerce Monitoring
FREE DV SSL Certificate*
Monthly Website Report
Website Hosting Included FREE if required
Managed WordPress Updates
Weekly Secure Offsite Backups
Monthly Security Scan
FREE DV SSL Certificate*
Monthly Website Report
Website Hosting Included FREE if required
Managed WordPress Updates
Weekly Secure Offsite Backups
Monthly Security Scan
Database Optimisation, keeps your website overheads low for a more efficient website
Spam & Post Revision Clean Up
FREE DV SSL Certificate (if allowed by hosting company)
Monthly Website Report
Managed WordPress Updates
Daily Secure Offsite Backups
Daily Security Scan
Database Optimisation, keeps your website overheads low for a more efficient website
Spam & Post Revision Clean Up
Monthly Website Speed Performance Scans & Reporting
FREE DV SSL Certificate (if allowed by hosting company)
Monthly Website Report
BONUS 5% discounted hourly rate for any website or graphic work